Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Lasagna night!

Remember that sinus infection I had a couple weeks ago?  Well, apparently it never went away, because I woke up this morning feeling worse than I had before. It's been coming back for a few days, but today was the breaking point. I went to the doctor and got more medicine...hopefully it works this time!  As a result, I spent the afternoon watching TV and napping on the sofa.  I feel like someone knocked me in the face with a two by four.  So, needless to say, no gym today. I'm actually annoyed at myself for not going, but I did go yesterday when I wasn't feeling 100% and I could tell in my workout.

I'm super excited about tonight's dinner - it's Lazy Lasagna.  I got it from Rachael Ray (it's on her show website) and I'm modifying it a little bit.  Basically, you break up lasagna noodles and cook them, then mix with a regular meat sauce. Rachael (we're best friends, so I can call her by her first name) tops it with a bechamel sauce and then with mozzarella, but I'm not a huge fan of bechamel sauces that aren't really a cheese sauce.  Plus, I've always made my lasagna with cottage cheese (fat free!) so I mix that into the pasta and meat sauce, then top with part-skim mozzarella.  My recipe calculator, which is http://recipes.sparkpeople.com/recipe-calculator.asp says it has 460 calories per serving.  Have any of you noticed how much I love pasta? Plus, you don't have to layer this dish. Yum...

So my menu today:
Breakfast: cereal bar - 160 calories
Lunch:  200 calorie Digiorno pizza, salad (100 calories), apple (60 calories), 100 calorie cake
Dinner:  lasagna - 460 calories
Dessert:  ice cream cone - 120 calories

Total:  1200 - yay me!

So the microscopic ice cream cones Glen bought are definitely yummy, however, they are eaten in about two bites.  They're mini Drumsticks, I think, but they are s'mores flavors and caramel flavors.  They do satisfy that sweet tooth I have at the end of the meal, though.

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